With the help of a tool that converts an SVG into a data uri, we can use our SVGs with CSS (background-image). This method requires us to modify our SVG code before it will work. To illustrate, we can convert our SVG to a Data URI using SVG to Base64 Encoder Online. This service enables us to convert our Scalable Vector Graphics into a base64 string.
Encode SVG to Base64 & ASCII String |
Encode SVG to Base64 and ASCII String
CSS allows the use of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) as a background image. In order to incorporate the SVG to the code, a tool is needed to turn it into a Data URI. To do this, the SVG Document's content may be transformed into a string representation encoded using Base64 using the SVG to Base64 Encoder Online. The string may then be downloaded or copied to the clipboard.
Working with Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) can be tricky when it comes time to include them as part of a website. While there are methods for using the SVG code natively in the HTML, adding an SVG as a background-image with CSS has its own unique hurdles. One of these is converting the SVG code into a data URI that can be used by the CSS. There is a tool available that can take the SVG code and convert it into a data URI that can be used in CSS.
convert svg to base64 online
To make your information stand out, SVG pictures may be a terrific addition to the design of your website. There is just one issue with this: SVG pictures must first be processed in order to be used in CSS. In order for an SVG to function as a CSS background-image, it must be transformed into a Data URI, or a Base64 encoded string. Fortunately, the SVG to Base64 Encoder is a tool that can accomplish this.
SVG Icon Generator From Illustrator to the Web
This article's goal is to show how simple it is to use basic CSS to add Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs) to a website or online application. Using this method, an SVG is transformed into a data-uri and utilized as the HTML element's background-image attribute. So, without using any additional code, any SVG can be turned into a data-uri and uploaded to a website as a background picture. Users can utilize SVG to Base64 Encoder Online, a free web tool that encodes the content of an SVG document and turns it into its corresponding textual representation encoded in Base64, to convert an SVG into a data-uri.
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